North Playground Outdoor Classroom Now Open!

We are thrilled to announce that the North Playground Outdoor Classroom is now open and accessible to the school and surrounding community.
The Outdoor Classroom is part of the North Playground Renovation that broke ground this summer. The unsafe and outdated playground equipment is being replaced by an accessible naturescape play area which includes the shelter, a stage for outdoor instruction and performance and seating on logs and boulders.
Here are a few guidelines for community members exploring the new space:
Please keep off the new grass that is growing on the berm and between the boulders. We need to be sure the grass is well established to prevent erosion. Kids (and adults!) are welcome to hop and sit on the boulders.
When visiting the North Playground, kindly stay out of the areas blocked off by the orange fencing. These sections are not completed or protect materials stored on site.
If the weather cooperates, we intend to finish the major playground construction over winter break. Two construction crews are slated to work:
Stormwater Resource Group will excavate concrete and dig a three-foot-deep and 600-square-foot bioswale at the top of the stairs near the NW corner of the main building.
GR Morgan will install the artificial turf fall surface, the embedded embankment slide and the climbing structure made of logs and boulders.
Then after GR Morgan is finished Stormwater Resource Group will complete the path work.
Would you like to help us finish up the work on the North Playground?

BARK REMOVAL: The seating under the outdoor classroom is made of logs and stumps. We’d love to have the bark removed and treat the logs so that they will last longer. So, feel free to pick away at the bark! Kids will be great at this.
PLANTING DAY: We have another crop of plants that will need to planted in the bioswale after the winter break. We’ll wait for the right weather to plant these, but please let us know if you’d like to help out. We need lots of helping hands and green thumbs to dig deep when the time comes.
Big thanks to Ronnie Boicourt, Mike Means, Leta Sterner, and Matt Whitman for their efforts to complete the outdoor classroom and seating. And thanks to the school community for your ongoing support in creating this wonderful new space. We look forward to celebrating its completion and enjoying the playground with all of you for years to come.
Deborah Pleva and Carol (Senna) Gardner
Sabin PTA Campus Co-Chairs