Sabin SUN School

What is SUN School?
Sabin SUN, a program of Self Enhancement, Inc (SEI), aims to improve the lives of children, their families and the community by extending the school day and developing schools as "community centers" in their neighborhoods. SUN Community Schools strive to be a community "hub." For young people to be strong and healthy, their families need to be stable and their communities need to be safe and supportive.
Sabin SUN Community School is a collaboration of Multnomah County, City of Portland, Department of Human Services, Portland Parks and Recreation, Self Enhancement, Inc. and Portland Public Schools.
Is SUN daycare?
No. While SUN does offer free extended day programming, it should not be looked at as free daycare. SUN does not run consistently throughout the school year. It only runs Monday-Thursday in eight week increments. Enrollment is also not guaranteed, as we often have more students sign-up than we have spots for and often carry a wait-list. SUN should, however, be looked at as a chance for academic enrichment and socialization.
Is childcare offered at Sabin?
Yes. Neighborhood House offers before and after-school care at Sabin. They can be reached at 503-756-2761
Do you offer Adult Fitness classes?
Yes! And all classes are FREE! Adult Zumba is offered every Wednesday from 6-7pm at Sabin. Please note that Adult classes follow the SUN school term schedule.
Is there a cost to SUN?
No, all classes are free!
Does SUN run on no school or teacher-in-service days?
No. If school is closed, there is no SUN school. The same policy applies to inclement weather. If school is closed due to weather, there is no SUN school.
Can SUN help with Rental or Utility Assistance?
Yes! Please contact Site Manager if you are in need of these resources and a referral can be made to SEI's Community and Family Programs department. We are here to help! Site Manager can be reached at: rachelp@selfenhancement.org
Please email SUN Site Manager, Rachel Prust at rachelp@selfenhancement.org
If you are in need of food resources, below is a list of current SEI FOOD PANTRY sites:
Patrick Lynch Elementary: Tuesdays: 4-6pm
Reynolds High School: Last Tuesday of every month: 2-5pm
Woodlawn Elementary: Wednesdays: 3:30-6:30pm
Roosevelt High School: Fridays: 3-5pm
SUN Community School Partners Sabin SUN is proud to partner with Chess for Success, BRAVO, New Seasons, Sabin PTA, Motion Magic, Tiny Dance Life, The Society for Syncopated Drummers, Ethos and Portland Early Learning Project to offer high quality extended day classes. Classes also include content in visual arts, music, drama, cooking, dance, and foreign language/culture.