Sabin School Gardens: Watch Us Grow!

Native Garden (south playground)
The Sabin Community Native Gardens was installed in 2004 by the Sabin PTA and Sabin Community. The garden was designed as a Portland Clean Rivers project to filter runoff from the blacktop adjacent to Sabin School, and to serve as a community resource and an outdoor classroom for Sabin students. The initial project was made possible through a grant from the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District. Since the 2004 creation of the Native Garden, there have been numerous plantings and installations in a close partnership with our, PTA funded, Sabin SUN Community School Garden Educator.
This wonderful outdoor classroom provides our teachers the opportunity to deliver classroom lessons in a garden setting. It is not al all unusual to see a classroom of 2nd grade students, walking around the garden with clipboards, identifying native plants, or a 5th grade art class drawing what they see in nature around them.
If you're interested in learning more about becoming a good steward of our Native Garden, please contact us!

Edible Garden (north playground)
On May 3, 2008 dozens of parents, teachers, staff and neighbors came together to create the Sabin Edible Garden on the North playground of the Sabin School yard. The groundwork was laid for what promised to be a valuable educational opportunity for students at Sabin, as well as Sabin SUN School (after school program) students. What started as a flat expanse of grass became, by the end of the day, a star-shaped array of raised planting beds and barrels. Fresh lettuce starts went in, as well as fruit trees and berry bushes.
Today the Sabin Edible Garden serves as a living, outdoor classroom for our PTA funded Garden Educator to work with teachers and students. Garden work parties are called a few times a year to clean-up, and beautify the garden space.
If you're interested in learning more about lending your green thumb to our Edible Garden, please contact us!